The whisky is a dark distilled alcohol made from a variety of grains, including barley, corn, rye and wheat. It is distilled all over the world, and is particularly popular in Ireland, Scotland, the United States, Canada and Japan. There are various styles and some countries have regulations that define how it is produced.

Whether it's Irish , Scotch, bourbon or Canadian, it's the most popular drink in the world and is used in many cocktail and shot recipes. Surprisingly, the country of greatest consumption is India , although the country's own whisky is rarely exported.

The ancient Egyptians already knew the principle of distillation. However, they distilled perfume, not potable alcohol. With the rise and fall of the Greek and Roman Empires, the knowledge of distillation was lost as the dominant drink of that time of the time was wine, which he almost produced himself.

First whisky

But after a few hundred years of barley barley cultivation we have evidence that 1494 was first mentioned whisky in a document in Scotland. Bushmills was the first documented distillery in Ireland in 1608. How the destruction of the vines led to a breakthrough for whisky The vine pest was introduced to France in the late 18th century. and destroyed more than 50% of the wine harvest in the Cognac region.

Then an imaginative Scotsman had a brilliant idea. He wanted to store it in used sherry casks. He believed that the sherry aroma would lead to a taste similar to cognac.

Read Also  Whisky johnnie: The history of whisky

The success was overwhelming and with the progressive industrialisation and the mechanical production of the glass bottle, it could start its global success story. We owe the whisky bottle in our living room to the ancient Egyptians, the Celtic monks and an unknown resourceful Scotchman.



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